
Friday, May 31, 2013

Tea Towel Pillow, a Quilt, 2 Dogs and some thoughts...

 56 Mays. People are always lamenting the passing of time and here it is again, the end of another month. I've lived for 56 Mays and this one is over.
Target Tea Towels and an old throw Pillow

 One May for each year of my life. Did I cherish it? Did I enjoy it? Not especially, it just flew by like the rest of the months.
The tea towel pillow and a quilt I made
It had some pretty days, some gray days, some flowers bloomed, I watched the clouds and the sunsets, I watered the plants, I cleaned the house and I dreamed of projects as I watched tv.

  I talked to family and friends and I snuggled up with my dogs.
Pumpkin got under that quilt and wouldn't move and wouldn't look at the camera either!

Such is life--light and dark, day and night and mostly we live in our thoughts. Isn't that reality? A few minutes we live in the moment, the rest we spend in our thoughts. What do we need to do? How will we do it?
Looks pretty on the other side too!

Maybe that's why I like making things. For that time, you live in the moment and only in that moment. You have to think about what you're doing.. not what has been or what will be. So I keep sewing and painting and planting and doing.
Tinker wants to know why Pumpkin is so tired...

Those are my 'be here now' moments and I cherish them.
 Have a cherished day!  Cindy

Sew Can Do 
Kammy's Korner

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I got an award nomination? A Liebster Award...

Also known as " I got nominated for an award and all I got was this lousy blog post"
 Hello campers! I have been nominated for this thing called a Liebster  Award.  Thank you to for nominating me. What you may ask, as I did, is this Liebster Award? Well, here's what I found out when I was nominated.
“The Liebster Award takes its name from the German word meaning dearest and is an award given to a new blogger with fewer than 200 followers. There will be no trophy or embossed certificate but it is recognition from a fellow blogger that you have valuable information to be shared. And it’s an excellent way to make new friends, network and get your blog noticed!”
The criteria, if you should accept this award, is as follows:
  • Thank your nominator by linking back to their post
  • Answer the 11 questions posed by your nominator
  • Make a list of 11 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 5 or more up and coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers for this award
  • Provide a list of 11 questions for your nominees to answer
  • Publish your post and contact your nominees with the good news
So, that's what it is!  An award taking pity on new bloggers like me! Now I have to answer these questions, make a list of facts about myself and all the other rules. Is this a chain letter? Hmmm, well here goes! Thanks One Tipsy  Chick! Her awesome blog is here! 
As far as I can tell, you get nominated for this award, but you really can't 'win' anything.. Anyways, here goes!
Oh, I get this picture too!

 Questions for me from One Tipsy Chick--
1.  What is at the top of your bucket list?
I don't have a list, but I'd like to be a super model in my next life
2.  What is one appliance you can't live without?
Um.. I really like having a stove, but I could live without it.
3.  What is your must-have beauty product?
Ha! I'm a basic kind of gal.. how about shampoo?
4.  Can you roller skate?
Maybe, I haven't tried for years.
5.  Least favorite food ever?
Liver in any form
6.  Gold or silver?
7.  What was your worst job?
Cafeteria server, don't ask!
8.  What is your greatest talent?
Painting stuff
9.  Favorite dessert?
Chocolate.. too easy! Next question!
10.  Early bird or Night Owl?
Night Owl, neither really...
11.  If I could live anywhere, it would be...
Tahiti if on Earth, otherwise I'd like to live in another galaxy, far, far away!
11 Random Facts About Me:

1. I live in Southern California.

2. I make quilts.

3. My parents are from North Dakota.

4.  I'm not religious.

5. I have 2 grown children.

6. I have 2 dogs, Tinker and Pumpkin

7. I grew up with 3 brothers and no sisters.

8. I had cancer.

9. I love the ocean.

10.I need to join Weight Watchers.. again!

11. I'm divorced.

And Here Are My Nominations...  
  Don't miss this one, she describes her hilarious home decorating adventures.
  I link up here weekly. She's Belgian!
  Check out her wonderful recipes!
  A super creative gal and makes a mean lemon drop cake!
  This blogger knows how to tame wild furniture with a paint brush!
   She has a great place to link up your best projects.. and she   featured my Dream Bars!

 And now,  MY Questions For My Nominees...

1.  If you could have any super power, what would it be?

2.  What is your favorite cartoon character?

3. What is your favorite reality show?

4. What would you like to do, if you could do anything?

5. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?

6.  Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?

7. What was your favorite grade in school?

8.  What is your secret talent?

9.  What book did you love?

10.  Would you rather live in a tree house or on a boat?

11. Where would you love to take a vacation to if money was no object?

Thanks for coming by the  Sunset Coast! 
Have a captivating day!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Visit to the WW2 Submarine Memorial

 Remember a few weeks ago I shared a little visit to nearby Seal Beach, CA? You can revisit that post here. Well, I didn't share all of the places I went to that day. I saved one part of my little trip for today, Memorial Day. I thought it would be fitting to show you the U.S. Submarine Veterans WWII National Memorial West that is in Seal Beach at the Naval Weapons Reserve. Only a short distance from the Pacific Ocean, this spot is only a couple miles from where I live as well.

   I can't tell you how many times I've passed by this place and never stopped. It didn't look like much from the road and I was usually on my way somewhere else. But on that day I stopped and I'm glad I did. It was a sobering reminder of what our soldiers have sacrificed for our country.

   One of the best things about starting this blog is that I have had to keep my eyes and imagination open for new places and ideas. It has made be grateful for things in my everyday life. Places I go, things I do, projects I create, all become something to share and be more aware of as a possible new post for others to experience. Blogging has made me take note of my surroundings and helps me see the beauty in everyday things when I take the time to 'stop and smell the roses'.
So I finally made a visit to the Submarine Memorial.
A plaque as you enter the memorial grounds...

"Still on Patrol"
 U.S. Navy Submarines paid heavily for their success in  World War II. A total of 374 officers and 3131 men are on board these 52 U.S.Submarines, still on 'patrol'. We shall never forget that it was our submarines that held the lines against the enemy while our fleets replaced losses and repaired wounds. 
~Fleet Admiral C.W. Nimitz, U.S.N.
I can assure you that they went down fighting and that the brothers who survived them took a grim toll of our savage enemy to avenge their deaths. 
~Vice Admiral Lockwood, Jr. U.S.N. Commander Submarine Force 1943-1946
52 headstones, one for each of the submarines. The crew and officers names are listed that died serving the U.S.A. aboard them.
A small and simple, yet effective tribute to the lost soldiers.
A closer view of a headstone and a pretty, patriotic water fountain.
Thank you to all the armed forces who help this keep flying...
Peace to those who have served and have lost their lives doing so. Peace to all those grieving their loss.
 Peace and hope that war will be no more.

Have a Peaceful Day!

Friday, May 24, 2013

DIY Reclaimed Wood Wall Art

How's it going?  Everything is hunky dory here, except I have a cold. It went from a tickle in my throat to a deep cough in a few short days. I guess it's a good day to play on the computer. I needed some inspiration for today's post, so I looked up at the wall and saw this painting I did on an old wood coffee table top.

 To coin a phrase, I 'upcycled' that thing! I'm not sure.. did I recycle or upcyle? I have to look that up. ( More on that debate later.)
There have also been some amazing wall art projects on Pinterest and other blogs, so I thought I'd pull together some great do it yourself art to share. These photos show what you can do with some scrap wood. Recycling old wood, lath strips, fence boards, pallet wood and whatever you have, can easily become some great wall art with some DIY elbow grease.
   My artwork was made from the wooden top of a coffee table that I had found at a thrift store. I just removed the table base and added a hanging wire. I used painter's masking tape and lots of measuring to figure out the design. Then I loaded my palette with an assortment  acrylic paint colors. Here's a close up of what I ended up with in the diamond designs. I used a loose painting style, adding colors to wet paints and just blending as I went. I find it hard to describe how to paint. I think you just need to play around a lot!  Keep in mind, you can always sand and paint over it. Let yourself mix colors in different ways!

Here are several more beautiful projects I found on Pinterest and the internet. I hope you find some inspiration and a way to use some reclaimed wood. Enjoy!
Coffee stir sticks were painted in pleasing colors and glued into wood frames. Pretty, huh? She has the full tutorial on her blog, link above.

This artist used reclaimed wood as well as dark painted silhouettes of palm trees and birds to make this gorgeous work of art! Looks perfect for the 'Sunset Coast', too.

Redwood lath strips take on a new life in this piece. Each piece was painted or stained and simply glued onto an old canvas. Love it!

All kinds of scrap wood were reclaimed in this interesting wall art! Some people save things and actually make something awesome out of them... This piece was one of my favorite picks.

This artist recycled pieces of old fence boards. Her painting is wonderful and she tells you how to do it, too. The feather, nest and egg paintings are delightful and she makes it look easy to paint them.                                                                                                       

Here's another inspiring composition of reclaimed wood. The chalk paint colors in red, white and blues look great in this nautical themed room.

How cute is this?! Popsicle sticks are cut and glued onto a small canvas. The whole thing gets a stencil with the words and waves and jute trim to finish it off in style.

Reused lath wood is cut and glued to make this  intricate design for a wall art piece.. I think it looks great!

This use of reclaimed wood is a fabulous work of art! Triangles of various wood are arranged to make this wonder. All the wood was already those colors, the artist did no painting. It would take a lot of precise work to get all those wood triangles to fit perfectly like they do.

I like the pleasing shades of green and dashes of red, in this DIY art. It's also interesting to have the various widths of wood stacked and combined together. Looks so simple, yet it's very effective wall art!

Various pieces of recycled wood make up this art piece. Subtle paint color was added as well as the bird outline. It's a pretty work that reminds me of a shoreline or the seaside.

 For the final reclaimed wood art piece, I've shared another awesome piece made with painted lath wood. Just running the wood vertically versus horizontally, gives the art a different appealing look.

I hope you liked all the inspirational wall art today! I could have shared hundreds of pictures.. aren't these internets incredible?
Do you have a pile of wood you need to upcycle or create into something amazing for your walls? Try some reclaimed wood art!
(Ok, I've got the info on upcycle vs recycle. According to somebody--"Upcycling is described by some as reusing a material without degrading the quality and composition of the material for its next use."  When you recycle you change the composition of the material, such as when a plastic bottle becomes carpet or a plastic bag. I hope that makes sense!)
  I 'upcycled' the wood table top. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
 Maybe you have something you'd like to share? Send me a picture or a link, I love your ideas and projects!
Have a Happy Scrappy Day!

Sharing around the bloggyland...
I should be Mopping the Floor
Diy Showoff
Nifty Thrifty Things
the tablescaper
Uss Crafty
Suburbs mama
Silver Pennies
Twigg Studios
I Should Be Mopping the Floor
Alderberry Hill 
Boogie Board Cottage 
Dwellings the heart of your home 
Uncommon Designs 
Twelve O eight 
Better with Age 
Under the Table 
Hollys Stamping Addiction 
Sunny Simple Life 
Sew Can Do 
Mod Vintage 
Cedar Hill Ranch 
Making the World Cuter 
Cupcakes and Crinoline 
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
The Winthrop Chronicles 
Coastal Charm 
Elizabeth and Co 
Not Just A Housewife 
Our Home Away From Home 
A Stroll Thru Life 
Hickory Trail 
A Bowl full of Lemons 
Kammys Korner 
Made to be a Momma 
Between Naps on the Porch 
Domestically Speaking 
Jaqs Studio 
Lavender Garden Cottage 
If It's Not Baroque 
Diy By Design
Green Willow Pond 
Diy Dreamer 
A Peek into my Paradise 
Lamberts Lately 
Girl Creative 
Savvy Southern Style 
52 Mantels 
A Delightsome Life 
Brambleberry Cottage 
Saving 4 Six 
No Minimalist Here 
Artsy Fartsy Mama 
French Country Cottage 
Shabby Art Boutique 
Common Ground 
Organized 31 
Charm of Home 
Happy Hour Projects 
A Peek into My Paradise 
Fresh Eggs Daily 
Funky Junk Interiors 
Classy Clutter 
Tater Tots and Jello 
I heart Naptime 
Too Much Time 
Its Overflowing

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Black and White Painted Kitchen Cabinets

     This is the story of my adventure in painting my kitchen cabinets in dark and light hues. (Wow, my life is exciting when paint is an adventure!)
The Harvest Gold Stove circa 1969
     Not so long ago, I had your typical 80's oak cabinets. They were solid doors but I think the original cabinets had been refaced. I had a lot of repair work to do to the veneer to make the cabinets paintable. The photo below is sort of what I had. I had previously gotten rid of the stylish Harvest Gold stove with the pull out stove top. Don't you know that those stoves will probably be the next hot vintage item in high demand? And everyone will be stripping their cabinets for this vintage oak look? Whatever. I painted the cabinets!
Typical Oak Kitchen Circa 1980's

The kitchen was changing in stages; new counter tops and back splash tile and a new tile floor had been done in previous updates. I really like the look of white cabinets, but face it.. we're kinda sloppy and I didn't like the idea of constantly cleaning the lower cabinets. So looking around the internets, I decided to paint my kitchen cabinets in 2 tones.
 How about these photographs below for inspirational kitchens?
Thank you Pinterest!

Using Behr paint with primer already in it, I picked my colors..Martha Stewart's Pearl white and Behr's Stealth Jet. Stealth Jet is a very, very dark brown. It comes off black at night and more brownish in the daylight.

Believe me, it took a while to pick my colors. I labeled and removed the doors and set up a painting spot in the garage. The white took 3 coats and the dark took 2. It was lots of work--sanding, deglossing and finally painting. I also replaced all the hinges.
I removed the doors on the cabinet above the sink, added a light and covered the back with beadboard. I just use this spot as an ever changing display of knick knacks and holiday themed stuff. The fluorescent light makes a great night light for the kitchen. There's a plug behind the beadboard that is connected to a light switch on the wall, making it handy to turn off and on.
More stuff is displayed on top of the cabinets. The kitchen has a high sloping ceiling with big windows above the cabinets that let in a sky view. I took out the cabinet doors above the microwave and replaced them with a board, trimmed it with molding and added a ready made decorative carving. (see above)
Those beams were oak also and felt like they were closing in the space. Lightening them with white paint made them blend in with the ceiling and virtually 'disappear'.

I covered the side and back of the peninsula with bead board. It gave that plain surface some interest.

I used liquid nails and screws under the cabinets to attach painted corbels/shelf brackets to each side of the stove.
Just more decoration!

I used 2 large cabinet handles from Ikea to double as towel holders and drawer pulls on this drawer next to the sink. It keeps towels close and this has really been a good solution!

The kitchen table is on the other side of the peninsula. It's wearing some place mats I quilted. The free standing cabinet was a 10 dollar bargain from Salvation Army. It even has a light! The leaf chair I painted is prettying up the corner.

Here's the desk area next to the refrigerator. It needs a little rearranging. I've just been hanging things where ever there is a nail.

A corner next to the stove with some more collectibles. I love old glass and anything with a pedestal!

My kitchen isn't huge but it has a great work triangle. I can move from the sink to the fridge to the stove in just a few steps. I've had a big kitchen and I much prefer this one and it's the perfect size for my needs. It's been a couple years since I painted and made over the kitchen and I'm still enjoying the cabinet paint colors I chose. 

Pumpkin likes to hang out on the rug

One more detail,I made this little owl doorstop and filled it with dried beans. Mr. Owl works great to keep the door from blowing shut that leads to the rest of the house. I open the kitchen windows to let in the afternoon ocean breeze. That breeze is my house's air conditioning here on the sunset coast.   

So that's it, my kitchen tour! It's been great having you here at the Sunset Coast. I hope you'll become my newest follower!

Have a Sparkling Day!

Nifty Thrifty Things
Under the Table and Dreaming
Between Naps On the Porch
Alderberry Hill
Mod Vintage Life
Boogie Board Cottage
Twelve O Eight
Rain on a Tin Roof
Cozy Little House
Thrifty Decor Chic
The Dedicated House
Cedar Hill Ranch
Hollys Stamping Addiction
Cupcakes and Crinoline
Naptime Creations
A Stroll Thru Life
If it's not Baroque
Diy Dreamer
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Our Home Away from Home
Lavender Garden Cottage
Savvy Southern Style
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Coastal Charm
Winthrop Chronicles
Elizabeth and Co
DIY by Design
Gingersnap Crafts
Not Just a Housewife
Kammys Korner
Art at Home
The Shady Porch
Made to be a Momma
Domestically Speaking 
Someday Crafts 
Southern Lovely 
The Trendy Treehouse 
Adorned From Above 
Free Pretty Things for You 
A Delightsome Life 
No Minimalist Here 
Green Willow Pond 
A Bowl Full of Lemons 
The 36th Avenue 
I Gotta Create
The Brambleberry Cottage 
52 mantels 
Lamberts Lately 
Reasons to Skip the Housework 
Saving 4 Six 
The Answer is Chocolate 
French Country Cottage 
The Thrifty Groove
Funky Junk Interiors
Be Different Act Normal
Finding Fabulous
Too Much Time 
Its Overflowing 
Serenity You 
Green Willow Pond